SCML Newsletter (June 04th 2022)

This is the final SCML 2022 newsletter.The final deadline for agent submission is less than a week from now. We hope that you are having fun participating in the online competition.

SCML is one of the leagues of ANAC 2022 one of the official competitions of IJCAI 2022.

  1. The deadline for initial agent submission was extended to June 8th and the last online tournament will be run on June 9th. The final deadline for agent submission is still June 10th and for report submission is still June 17th.
  2. Please be sure to check each of the following items before submitting your agent
  3. As specified in Table 3 of the oneshot description documnent, the distributions from which utility functions are sampled can be changed without notice. Check this discussion for an example case in which we reduced the range from which the production costs are sampled. You can access all of the utility function parameters directly through the AWI.

Important Reminder You MUST submit a 2-pages report of the agent by June 17th at 23:59 AoE. Failure to do so can result in immediate disqualification. Please check the CFP Page 3 (Academic report) for details about this requirement.

We thank our sponsors for supporting SCML:

We also thank Brown University for hosting our website (

On Behalf of the SCML Organizing Committee
